Feel Better With The Yoga

Monday, March 29, 2010


To: All Employees Date:29/03/2010
From: Yousef Asheer. Supervisor Ref.#.2903/10/1
Subject: Medical Information

Good morning all dear employees. The doctor asked me to send some of your medical infromation.

Please arrange to send me the following:
•Diseases you have
•Surgeries you had
•Allergies you have
•Medication you’re taking

Please reply this email in one week time from today’s date.

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Enjoy my Hand Tools Video

Past Continuous and Simple Past

1) While I was watching TV the bell rang.

2) While I was cutting the tomatoes the water boiled and I burnt my hand.

3) While I was having dinner my tooth broke and fell.

4) While Jassim was hammering a piece of metal flew in his eye.

5) While I was tightening a bolt the nut broke.

Thursday, February 18, 2010